When people find themselves faced with expensive car repairs, an unexpected bill, or another type of emergency financial need, the situation can become very stressful if they do not have ready access to the funds required. Payday loans were developed as a solution to this need for emergency funds that many middle-class income earners face periodically. This loan has helped relief the burden that would otherwise be faced by those that have short-term financial needs and know way to meet them. A payday loan is so-named because it is essentially, a short-term loan provided to someone in advance of a pending paycheck.
Most people are paid bi-weekly, or even monthly in some instances. If that person is between paychecks and faces an immediate need for money, they might be in trouble. The payday loan gives them access to cash or a direct deposit for use when the need arises.
Payday loan fees are somewhat expensive relative to other types of loan products. Most companies charge set fees based on the loan amount and the repayment period. Loans are usually repaid within a matter of one to a few months.
Because of the fees for the loans, they are not intended for non-essential use. The costs for the loans only make sense when the funds are used to cover an emergency or urgent financial situation. Payday loans do offer many benefits when used wisely. With the expansion of internet business, more online sites are offering payday loan services.
This has helped consumers in several ways. First, as the competition for payday loan business has become more intense, lenders have had to be more aware of their rates. Also, the efficiency of managing payday loans online has reduced costs of doing business for many lenders, which has helped lower fees for consumers. Other benefits of the online convenience of payday loans include the ability to complete an application process quickly and confidentially. Many companies offer instant approval, many a decision is made within moments of the application submission.
Some also promise next day direct deposit for an approved loan. This is a great benefit to a borrower truly strapped for funds and in need of money immediately. Loan amounts for payday loans are typically small, based on their purpose.
Most lenders offer a maximum amount, often around 300 pounds, for a first time borrower, with higher amounts, up to about 1,000 pounds, for established accounts.
Martin writes for a payday loans web site in the UK where you can get fast loans of up to £750 within 24 hours of being accepted.